
what’s the

when I reflect back on my time hiking across the Ozarks, one indelible phenomena I've encountered that continues to captivate my attention is the magnificence of the waterfalls nestled within such an enchanting landscape.

what has truly resonated with me the most — beyond their mesmerizing beauty, of course — is how closely these cascades mirror the intricacies of our own minds; the rapid descent and cyclic tumbling of the water is not unlike the unbridled meandering of thoughts. moreover, just as with catastrophic or otherwise unproductive patterns of thinking, the overwhelming flow of a waterfall is likely to submerge you quickly should you fail to keep a healthy distance from its torrent. suffice it to say, there is a stark difference between drowning in a waterfall and beholding its remarkable power with mere admiration. in equal measure, the liberation found in observing one’s mind rather than being ensnared by it cannot be exaggerated. 

indeed, just as the diverse flora and fauna of such a magical region coexist in a fragile, delicate balance, our thoughts and emotions coalesce to create a unique, inner atmosphere. in recent years, as I've explored this profound layer to reality, I've felt increasingly compelled to share the more practical spiritual reflections I've managed to sharpen along the way; mind is matter is a minimal dedication to this ongoing journey.

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© 2024 Miranda Arocho